What's new?

Announcements and Examples

FinCEN Intake functionality

Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 5 min read

Overview of the Estate Planning Software Landscape

It's not always easy to get a good overview of all the estate planning software options available to you and your practice. We've compiled a list of the ones we integrate with and/or know of.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 6 min read

How to use DecisionVault with Zapier

You can now trigger automations in Zapier using our webhooks and API. This article shows how to get started.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 2 min read

Actionstep Integration (new: sync into roles)

Sync the contacts from the DecisionVault matter over to Actionstep through this integration.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 1 min read

Zoho CRM Integration

Link your DecisionVault matter to the deal in Zoho CRM and sync the main contact through this new integration.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 1 min read

MyCase Integration

Sync the contacts from the DecisionVault matter over to MyCase through this new integration.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 1 min read

Smokeball Integration

Sync the contacts from the DecisionVault matter over to Smokeball through this new integration.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 1 min read

Trigger automations in Lawmatics from DecisionVault

Here's how to trigger automations in Lawmatics when the client submits their questionnaire in DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 2 min read

Trigger automations in Lawcus from DecisionVault

Here's how to trigger automations in Lawcus when the client submits their questionnaire in DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 2 min read

Interactive Legal Integration

Sync the contacts from the DecisionVault matter over to Interactive Legal through this new integration.
Team DecisionVault
Team DecisionVault
· 1 min read